Let Your Voice Be Heard
We provide support for those that are being held as political prisoners, along with their families and friends.
More info below in our FAQ
Register To Vote
We are fortunate to live in a free country that gives us the privilege of using our voices to make visible change in our country. American citizens have the freedom to vote and should use that freedom proudly and responsibly. Please take the time to register to vote, as each vote counts and makes a difference in the direction of our country. All votes matter and all voices deserve to be heard. For information on how to register in your state, please visit the link below where you can get started and contribute to the betterment of the American people.
Vote Independently
We each have our own opinions and feelings towards how our country should be run. The right to our opinions is a great advantage of democracy. We must vote in accordance with what we believe is best for the American people at large. It can be difficult to navigate through the emotions of family and friends when making voting decisions. It is important to not be swayed by societal judgement or cancel culture when using your vote. Using your vote for a candidate that you don’t align with in an effort to appease others is not in alignment with true democracy. Use your voice and stand up for what you believe in.
Acceptance And Respect
The best part about living in a free country that allows us to vote for our leaders is that majority rule will win. Although the result may not be in the direction of which you voted, that does not mean that the system itself is in the wrong. An important part about being an American is respecting the current office. Fairness is priority, along with the betterment of the American people. If you’re voting on the premise of giving the American people the best outcome, you must respect the electoral choice of the American people at large even if it doesn’t align with your personal choice.